Library Policies
The Sergeant Bluff Public Library provides policies for the effective use and management of the library.
Behavior Policy - approved 10/18/2023
Circulation Policy - approved 3/20/24
Confidentiallity Policy - approved 04/24/2024
Emergency Policy - approved 05/15/2024
Meeting Room Policy - approved 4/19/2023
Collection Policy - approved 2/21/24
Computer & Internet Usage Policy - approved 11/15/23
Financial Card Use Policy - drafted 2023
Gifts and Donation Policy - drafted 2023
Library Board Bylaws
While the Public Library Board of Trustees delegates day-to-day management of the library to the director, the board maintains its responsibility to ensure that the library succeeds and prospers. In exercising that responsibility, Iowa’s public library boards have five primary roles: Hiring a Library Director to manage daily operations that the board works with and in support of with mutual respect of each other’s roles, approving and monitoring the library budget, development and adoption of policies, planning for the library future, and evaluating library service and advocating for advancements.
The community puts its faith in the library board to make sure the library is operating within the public trust. The board helps determine whether the community is satisfied with library programming and services. Boards push for adequate funding, seek technology advancements, foster community relationships, and support the library staff wherever possible
Board of Trustees Bylaws - last amended and approved 04/19/2023